Eat Glass

A place where I come to rant about the little things that don't matter.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Web Browsers and Mispelled Names

Here's two things that drive me nuts, that are totally unrelated but oddly enough have the exact same solution. Having a hundred different web browsers and having a hundred different spellings for the same name.
First of all the web browsers. Now maybe it's because of my job, or the fact that slowly but surely I'm slipping into the world of geekdom (today I listened to my second Tech podcast in as many days, and I enjoyed it) but the fact that there are more than one browser out there is like the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Netscape, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox Opera... the list goes on and on. And if that wasn't bad enough, on top of that you've got multiple versions of the same browser out there, all with different capabilities. Of course everyone has there preferences, and I'm sure someone could make an argument in favor of each of the various options, and I'm not here to say who is right and who is wrong (unless you are reading this with microsofts Internet Explorer-from here on out to be called IE- in which case, YOU ARE WRONG!!!!) The problem is that every browser does things slightly different, and if you are a web designer you are getting email and phone calls from people telling you that their site is all messed up and nothing looks right. So the humble web designer pulls up the web site in question. But to his surprise, it looks fine. "That's Odd" he thinks, and he's right it is odd that a page that looks good in one browser is a train wreck in another. Here is the sad reality, so many people out there are using IE because it is the default browser on there machine, and they don't know any better. So if you are using IE to read this, do yourself a favor and go here. And one more thing, don't try to be cute by calling it Internet Exploder or Netscrape, it's not funny and you're not clever.
Next up is names that are spelled a million different ways. This seems to be getting more and more common. And I''m not talking about parents trying to come up with new unique names, if you want to name your kid Shelomith, or Pickley, go for it. I'm talking about names that everybody knows that are spelled different, and by different I mean wrong. Here are some examples. Amie, Nikki and Kortney. These names are spelt wrong. Everyone knows it should be Amy, Nicky and Courtney. And if you happen to have one of those crazy misspelled names, (and more than likely you are also a IE user) don't leave a nasty comment. I'm not saying you're less of a person, or anything, and I know that you didn't chose your name. Yes, I understand that there is room for diversity in the world, but do we really need to diversify the way that we spell names??? It seems that if all the names are pronounced the same how they are spelled is trivial. Let's look at Casey for instance. I happen to know a casey and his name is spelled correctly. But let's look at all the unnecessary possibilities.
I think you get the point.
So the solution to both problems is this, Let's get together and decide on one uniform solution. Pick a browser that works, make everybody use it and end the problems. Likewise, pick one spelling use it and never have to worry about explaining that your name is spelled with an 'ie' and not a 'y' ever again.


Blogger Jace said...

First of all Garth, the correct way to geek speak my name is j4<3
Second Amy you don't actually like explorer, you just don't know any better
Lastly Andrew to assume I like 1 out of every 100 peopl is really stretching it.

10:14 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who do you think you are?

3:57 p.m.  
Blogger Jace said...

who is anonymous??
Who do I think I am??
Uh... I'm that guy that is always right. People are all like "Who does he think he is?" but then three years later they are like "wow, that kid sure was right"

11:48 p.m.  
Blogger Bray said...

Kid? come on now . . . you know better than that.

8:39 a.m.  

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