Eat Glass

A place where I come to rant about the little things that don't matter.

Monday, July 17, 2006

You are wrong if...(Galt Gardens edition)

Here are some of the many things that I've learned during my lunch breaks at galt gardens.

-You think you need webbed feet to live in a park with no water.
-You think the city is smart enough to keep the sprinklers from spraying all the benches.
-You think natives can smell the spare change you have in your pocket.
-You think two grandmas in a chrystler rolling spinners isn't cool.
-You're a sea gull and you think I'm gonna feed you.
-You think I care which provinces have had supreme court rulings in favor of women being able to go topless in public.
-You think it's a good idea to buy brand new roller blades (in the box) from a couple of sketchy white kids.
-You think city workers aren't paid way too much.
-You think watching a guy trying to fill a cup from a sprinkler, that is spraying like 40 feet, isn't funny.
-You think those security guys/gals in the brown outfits do anything more than walk around.
-You think you can call a cab using smoke signals.
-You think the city workers are gonna give you a heads up before they turn on a sprinkler that is clearly going to soak the bench you are sitting on.
-You think the city workers are gonna give you a heads up before they turn on a sprinkler that is clearly going to soak the bench that you have just moved to after they turned a sprinkler on the last bench you were on.
-You think being loud, obnoxious and more than a little tipsy is a good way to hit on some girl that is trying to eat her lunch at a picnic table.
-You think virginity is something that you can snip.
-You think Galt Gardens isn't a really pretty park even with all its sketchitude.


Blogger Bray said...

Sit down before you hurt yourself Eric, the Interweb is not for featherweights.

You are wrong if:

You think sticking a strong magnet to your monitor at work because you hate your job is not funny.

You think superglue is an indispensable tool for PC repair.

You think Jam on eggs tastes good.

3:34 p.m.  
Blogger Mitz said...

You are wrong if:

You shout character defaming personal insults at STRANGERS.

8:52 p.m.  
Blogger Jace said...

Based on the low number of comments it would appear that Garth is infact B.T. Jones.

5:29 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I shout explicit and repulsive comments at strangers all the time...

6:10 p.m.  
Blogger Mitz said...

Wow, your anonymous isn't nearly as nice as mine.

3:36 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went into Galt Gardens once.. I think I came out with Hep C, HIV, and... why are there sleeping hutterites on the benches there? It wasn't even thursday...

8:01 a.m.  

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